Further evidence of the association between social media use, eating disorder pathology and appearance ideals and pressure: a cross-sectional study in Norwegian adolescents
I denne tverrsnittsundersøkelsen har forfatterne undersøkt hvordan sosiale medier påvirker gutter og jenter i tenårene. Data innhentet fra ca. 1600 gutter og jenter (16-19 år) viste en sterk sammenheng mellom spiseproblematikk og press om å tilpasse seg dagens utseendeidealer. Hele 80% av jentene i studien rapporterte at sosiale medier, spesielt Instagram og TikTok, hadde en negativ innflytelse på hvordan de tenkte om utseendet sitt. Disse jentene hadde betydelig høyere nivåer av problemer med mat, kropp og spising, og rapporterte høyere nivåer av utseendepress fra media.
Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren
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Christine Sundgot-Borgen, Ingela Lundin Kvalem, Anne Louise Wennersberg & Line Wisting
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Journal of Eating Disorders
Few studies have investigated how the plethora of contemporary social media (SM) platforms relate to, and influence eating disorder (ED) pathology, appearance ideals and pressure to conform to these ideals in youth.
In this study, 1558 girls (53%) and boys (47%), predominantly within the 16–19 age range, completed an online questionnaire assessing SM use and perceived influence on appearance, ED pathology, internalization of appearance ideals and perceived appearance pressure.
Results showed that ED pathology was common, particularly in girls, and that internalization of body ideals was gender specific, a thin ideal being more prevalent in girls, and a muscular ideal being more common in boys. Results also showed a strong association between ED pathology and perceived pressure to conform to these appearance ideals. One fourth of the participants reported spending four hours or more on SM daily, and 80% of girls reported that SM, particularly Instagram and TikTok, had a negative influence on how they felt about their appearance. These girls had significantly higher levels of ED pathology and reported higher levels of appearance pressure from the media.
A clear pattern of associations between photo- and video specific SM platforms, ED pathology, internalization of body ideals and perceived pressure was found in this study. Adolescent girls appeared to be particularly at risk. The results illustrate an imperative need to keep addressing the potential risks of SM use in adolescents, and to continue monitoring the effect of SM on young people’s view of themselves, their appearance, and their eating habits. Future studies should attempt to identify aspects of SM use that may be particularly detrimental for girls and boys in their formative years, but also those that may enhance adolescents’ satisfaction and appreciation of their body and appearance.
Trial registration
The study is registered in the Open Science Framework